The South African Roadies Association (SARA) welcomed Linkin Park’s Production Manager and Director of Touring – Jim Digby, to SARA House in Johannesburg on 8 November to share his production knowledge and skills.

Digby was joined by Linkin Park crew colleagues Matt Mills (Lighting Director), Skip Twitchell (Video Director), Bill Boyd – Creative Director, Ken Van Druten (FOH), Sean Paden, Chris Wilson, Megumi Kusano, Missy Allgood and Lonnie Southall.

The Linkin Park team spent three hours at SARA House interacting with SARA students, sharing their respective experiences, describing their work and job descriptions and providing a well-rounded representation of the inner workings of their technical and production methods and systems.

The visit represented a milestone in encouraging and supporting technical and production knowledge and skills development within the South African technical and production industry, especially for young people.

This opportunity was conceptualised in March 2012, at the “International Production Meeting’ of the International Live Music Conference (ILMC) in London, between Jim Digby and SARA president, Freddie Nyathela.