Powersoft, a world-leading manufacturer of professional power amplifiers, has announced it will present two sessions of its new advanced level training course for Certified Technology Specialist Renewal Unit training in Asia in December.

The first session will take place in Hong Kong, with distributor EZ Pro, on 13 December. This will be followed by a session in Singapore with E&E, on 15 December .

The course entitled “Advanced Install-Armonia Programme’ will be delivered by Powersoft’s business development manager, Fixed Install, Marc Kocks, and grants four Renewal Units (RU) towards Avixa Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) credential, on successful completion of the eight-hour training session.

Marc Kocks will coach attendees in the setup and design of a fully-specified audio system in the context of its environment and infrastructure, to include IT network specification, as well as the electrical and cooling requirements of a system design. A primary focus will be on the set up of Powersoft’s Armonia remote control and monitoring software with the intention not only to operate and maintain a system of multiple amplifiers and DSP devices, but also to troubleshoot a networked audio system via Armonia.

Commenting on the training, Kocks says: “It will be a highly engaging and insightful study for integrators, helping them deliver optimal results in both sound quality and efficiency. They will be able to design complex audio systems with great efficiency while making them simple and straightforward to operate, maintain and troubleshoot for operators at all levels of competency.’

As an AVIXA Renewal Unit (RU) Provider, Powersoft demonstrates its commitment to providing quality education and training for audiovisual professionals, including Certified Technology Specialist™ (CTS®) holders and the specialised designations CTS®-D (Design) and CTS®-I (Installation).

Completion of the course will attribute four Renewal units to the CTS Certification Level in Domains A, B and D; four points designated to Certification Level CTS-D in Domains A, B, C and D; and four points at Certification Level CTS-I in Domains A, C, D and E.

All levels of CTS certifications are awarded for three years. To maintain and to renew certification, CTS holders need to accrue 30 Renewal Units (RUs) through continuing education during that period.After completing this RU-approved course, attendees will receive a certificate from Powersoft

As an expert in fixed installations, Marc Kocks is well-placed to guide course participants through the design and advanced remote control of audio systems driven by DSP-integrated amplifiers. Now responsible for the business development of the fixed install product line of Powersoft, the world leader in lightweight, high-power, energy-efficient amplifiers characterised by the sweetest-sounding DSP processing in pro audio, Kocks brings over 20 years of experience to the role. That experience in design, project management and integration of theatres, sports arenas and theme parks amongst many other systems is underpinned by a solid educational foundation in electronics, acoustics and electro-acoustics conjoined to degrees in marketing and sales.

The course will begin with participants getting hands-on with Powersoft Armonia software set up, system design analysis and subsequent schematics for the right choice of amplifiers and output channel layout. Step-by-step, an Armonia project will be implemented, first creating basic loudspeaker presets before cataloguing management and user set-up criteria.

The training session is capped with insight and exploration into system monitoring and advanced remote-control functions as well as system optimisation and tuning. At the end of the training, students will be able to fully master remote control and monitoring of Powersoft digital amplifiers.

Attendees are invited to register to the sessions by clicking on the following link: goo.gl/jDXcB1