Revolabs is launching its newly redesigned Revolabs Academy Training Program — a free, interactive online learning portal that provides users with a better understanding of audio fundamentals, measurement and performance, and proper use and installation of Revolabs products.

Available now, the online curriculum complements the company’s upcoming training and certification tour, which will bring live instruction with Revolabs’ product portfolio to 20 cities across the US. This tour continues the Revolabs tradition of onsite education for global partners.

Coinciding with the launch of the company’s new online learning portal, Revolabs will embark on a nationwide training and certification tour from August to October 2014. The 20-city tour will include stops in New York, Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles, where AV resellers and consultants will receive hands-on training on all Revolabs products, including the all-new, award-winning Executive Elite product family. This national tour offers an all-day class focused on all technical knowledge needed to become a certified Revolabs partner. Upon completion of either set of courses, users will earn four CTS credits.

“By revamping the entire Revolabs Academy Training Program and adding fresh content, the new portal now brings a more intuitive, streamlined, and engaging training experience to our technical partner community worldwide while introducing new incentives that encourage learners to continue earning credits,’ says Marc Cremer, COO, Revolabs. The North American live training and certification tour is part of Revolabs’ ongoing global outreach initiative and affirms its commitment to providing live training to Revolabs customers around the world.’

Open and free to all current Revolabs customers including resellers, consultants, distributors, and end users, the online academy provides an interactive learning experience that intuitively guides users through a series of lessons covering the principles of audio, echo cancellation, microphone placement, product integration, configuration settings, repair procedures, maintaining RF stability, and avoiding interference. Users earn four CTS credits upon successful completion of the course, which can be applied to InfoComm RU credits for CTS, CTS-D, or CTS-I certifications. This is especially useful for professionals unable to attend InfoComm training sessions onsite.

Users can access the new Revolabs Training Academy at More information on the Revolabs training and certification tour is available at