Sennheiser South Africa recently hosted the world’s leading RF expert, Mr Klaus Willemsen, to the 7th floor of the JCCI building in Auckland Park, Johannesburg on Monday 26 August for a seminar entitled “Optimum Use of Your Wireless Microphones’. The seminar, while loosely based around Sennheiser products, was aimed at technicians in the audio, broadcast and film industries alike and covered a wide range of relevant topics regardless of your wireless microphone system of choice.

Mr Willemsen, better known as the RF Guru, is an industry veteran that has been with Sennheiser for 45 years and is world renowned for his wireless microphone and RF knowledge. The seminar covered such topics as the history of Sennheiser and wireless technology, the importance and types of antennae, antenna cable selection, antenna boosters, transmitter frequency and power relationship, frequency management and digital wireless microphones systems, among others.