After a successful Johannesburg edition of the Stage Lighting Master Class (SLMC) 2012 last week, event organisers are gearing up for the Cape Town leg of the event that is due to begin tomorrow. The two-day seminar, which is being held at Artscape Theatre Centre, will mark the first time SLMC is held outside of Gauteng.

Speaking about the Johannesburg leg of SLMC event organiser – Declan Randall a renowned Lighting Designer (LD), stated that the event attracted people from across the industry based on their passion for stage lighting and design.

“There was an incredible atmosphere at the venue and having Richard Pilbrow in South Africa has been a real coup for South African Theatre and its designers,’ Randall added. “This is one of only two such events in the world – the only other such event takes place in New York City annually and is called BLMC – Broadway Lighting Master Class. SLMC is a truly unique opportunity that SA theatre folk have to learn about the art and craft of stage lighting design from the passionate lighting designers Declan Randall, Mannie Manim and Richard Pilbrow.’

Randall is promising the same incredible atmosphere experienced in Johannesburg to be there in Cape Town. SLMC Cape Town showcase some of the latest technology and design techniques and attendees will have the opportunity to meet and talk to the above mentioned designers as well as the product distributors and sponsors of the event.

“We will be presenting the same event in Cape Town that we had in Johannesburg but with bespoke sessions to suit the local environment – essentially it will be the same two fantastic days of lighting and lighting practice. Our sponsors are all with us again in Cape Town, so there will be product demo’s and even a few brand new products and lighting filters are being launched during the SLMC 2012 event,’ Randall added.

Randall noted the acme of SLMC 2012 was being audience to Richard Pilbrow’s wealth of wisdom. “The highlight of SLMC 2012 was having the opportunity to hear one of the world’s most prolific lighting designers speak about his life and his life’s work. Listening to him speak was really very special and definitely something that I will always remember, as will I think, everyone who was fortunate enough to hear this great man speak,’ he concluded.

Stage Lighting Master Class Cape Town will be held on 2 and 3 October 2012. For further details regarding SLMC visit