Philips Entertainment luminaires are helping Auckland’s Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT), New Zealand’s largest single collection of aviation heritage, dramatically reduce its energy consumption in its most recently completed display hall.

Designed by Studio of Pacific Architecture, the new display hall tells the story of New Zealand’s unique and innovative civilian, agricultural and military flight history. The winner of several major architectural awards including the NZIA award for sustainable architecture, the Aviation Display Hall features rainwater harvesting system, naturally reticulating air conditioning and more than 190 carefully chosen Philips Entertainment luminaires. This choice has substantially reduced its overall lighting load from 250kW to under 20kW.

And the fixtures deliver on the museums sustainability goals without compromising on performance. A number of Philips Selecon RGBAW LED luminaires alongside Aureol Beamshapers and complemented by Pacific Zoomspots are used to sculpt and illuminate the aircraft and associated displays. The luminaires are controlled from a Philips Strand Lighting Rack Palette 3000.

Stuart Mitchell, NZ sales manager for Philips Selecon comments, “The choice of an LED solution for this installation was simple. With a serious lack of access over and around the aircraft we needed to reduce the amount of running maintenance. All the luminaires we chose provided that. There is exceptional control, and enough useful light output for some of the longer throws (over 20m). Backed by the Selecon three year warranty, we’ve all but guaranteed the client a lighting system that will perform and evolve above expectations for many years.’