An extraordinary new exhibition at the Barbican uses a military camera capable of
detecting an individual from 30.3km day or night, to make a visceral three-channel
video installation about the journeys of refugees fleeing conflict. Christie M Series
3DLP projectors were designed with features able to show the luminous footage,
with remarkable detail and clarity, at a greatly enlarged size. “We’ve had a record
20,000 visitors in three weeks with over 2,400 on the opening weekend,’ said Alona
Pardo, curator at the Barbican.

For Incoming, conceptual documentary photographer and Deutsche Borse
Photography Prize winner Richard Mosse worked in collaboration with composer Ben
Frost and cinematographer Trevor Tweeten. They followed refugees trying to flee on
foot, by boat or on vehicle. The camera’s extraordinary telephoto capability can pick
up staggering details of the human form from a great distance. In turn, the 3DLP
Christie M Series can translate that level of detail because it is designed to
maximise every facet of the video pathway. Projecting along the wall are 3 x
Christie HD10K-M (3-DLP, 1080P, 11, 000 Lumen) projectors, with dual lamp Lens.
When enlarged in a three-channel display over the curved wall of The Barbican,
even a human hair filmed from hundreds of metres appears crisply articulated.

Mosse followed refugees on two perilous migrant routes through the Sahara Desert,
north to Libya and the Mediterranean Sea, and across the Middle East to the Aegean
Sea, and overland across the Balkans towards northern Europe. The piece was
made across three continents, intercepting refugees at various points along their
path. “War artists used to send pen and ink drawings to newspapers,’ commented
James Belso Senior Sales Manager at Christie. “With technology, the 21st t century
equivalent gives audience an immersive, shared experience of a topical subject and
in a surprisingly intimate way.’

There are specific aspects of the M-Series processing that allows the projector to
produce the quality of these images. “The processing in the Christie M-Series was
designed to maintain the best possible quality video through all aspects of the video
path. Some of the key items that make the M-Series work so well with avant-garde
cinematography are its true 10-bit processing and enhanced Gamma curve for
improved detail definition explained Belso, “When this is partnered with proprietary
image processing algorithms that are designed to optimize the quality of image
resizing, the Christie M-Series is an ideal projector for leading edge imagery and


The Barbican – Richard Mosse
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