LeRoy Bennett, a worldwide and renowned lighting designer chooses Clay Paky for Lady Gaga’s ice themed ArtRave / Artpop Ball world tour. Bennett chose to use huge banks of A.leda B-EYE K20s and Sharpys to light the huge set to deliver a wealth of vibrant, multi layered, multi-faceted and lively looks. Supported by lighting director Whitney Hoversten, who has taken the show on the road, Bennett specified 107 x Clay Paky B-EYEs and 83 x Sharpys, all supplied by PRG, to create the show’s high octane, rave style atmosphere. LeRoy chose Clay Paky B-EYEs for its versatility and unique personality.
Indeed each and every look is intricately matched to the accents of GaGa’s chart-topping tracks. Bennett uses the B-EYEs in so many ways that it’s sometimes hard to believe that the same light is delivering so many looks. From hundreds of super sharp pin thin dancing beams to penetrating washes, flashing coloured strobing to graphic effects that swipe across numerous banks of fixtures; Bennett punctuates almost every musical note and phrase with agile imagination and precision programming.
Bennett uses the B-EYE in a multitude of ways including rigging them in large clusters overhead and combining them in a 72-strong “mega pod’ to create one huge light or low res graphics screen, which sits above the high resolution, stage-wide video screen upstage. The B-EYEs are used in a multitude of ways including rigging them in large clusters overhead and combining them in a 72-strong “mega pod’ to create one huge light or low res graphics screen, which sits above the high resolution, stage-wide video screen upstage.
A lot of the tour’s look was built around around the Sharpys, whose whole move corresponds exactly with everything that’s going on on-stage and in the music.
The mega pod of B-EYEs is by far the signature look of the show, so much so that even where they weren’t doing full production they still brought the mega pod with on tour with them.