Cape Town headquartered event production specialists Kilowatt AV recently
specified 36 x Robe LEDWash 600s and 12 x LEDBeam 100s for a nationwide 5-city
Financial Lifestyle Solutions (FLS) roadshow by financial services and investment
group, Old Mutual.

Kilowatt was the technical solution designer and provider for all shows, the largest
of which was staged at Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg for 2 000
delegates, with lighting equipment subcontracted by locally based MGG Productions.
The other four shows – Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth and Durban – also
featured the Robe LEDWashes and LEDBeams plus Robe Pointes.

Kilowatt’s team, led by project director Rhys Pughe Parry and technical project
manager Jonty Mylne collaborated closely with live brand experience agency Hero
to create the entire event environment.

The presentation area was complete with a 48 metre wide (in Johannesburg) curved
video screen featuring Logo Video Mapping, and in an adjacent room there was a
large expo arena showcasing the various new products and interactive activations to
all the visiting Old Mutual brokers and agents.

24 of the LEDWashes were rigged on overhead trusses and used to provide the
overall general stage colour washes for the presentation and all the other onstage
action, for which lighting was designed by Freelance LD, Willie Botha, a regular
Kilowatt LD / operator.

He worked very closely with Kilowatt’s senior video director Michael Edwards to
produce the overall aesthetic, which involved the seamless integration of lighting
and video into a complete “visual experience’, one of Kilowatt’s trademarks.

The other 12 x LEDWash 600s were rigged around the expo space and used to light
all the different areas, working in conjunction with the little LEDBeam 100s which
highlighted specifics.

Kilowatt also supplied a total HD video solution including Christie projectors and the
latest JBL VTX V20 audio system for the Old Mutual roadshow tour.

With the event schedule now far exceeding the amount of equipment it is practical
for them to own, Kilowatt keeps many of South Africa’s rental companies very busy
with cross-hires, which in turn enables everyone to generate more business and
increase their own investments.

This is an ideal scenario leaving Kilowatt’s design team free to spec kit exactly to
suit each project and not being tied to using equipment just because it might be in
their stock.

Across the four different companies currently in the group, Kilowatt Investment
Holdings currently supports around 150 events of all different shapes, sizes and
complexities per month.