Japan’s Yokkaichi Municipal Museum has recently reopened following refurbishment.
The refurbishment was designed and installed by GOTO INC. around their state-of-
the-art 8K triple head hybrid planetarium projection system.
To create the most sophisticated yet natural accompanying audio soundscape, a
TiMax SoundHub2 matrix was installed to provide real-time, cue-based timecode
synchronisation between the planetarium’s multichannel surround audio and the
ultra-high-resolution visual content that almost fully envelopes the audience.
The TiMax2 SoundHub controls routing of audio from a 24ch small mixing console
and TASCAM 8ch recorder by timecode cues, distributing both wired and wireless
microphones in the mixer and a CD player, SD card player and the TASCAM
multitrack recorder.
TiMax2 Soundhub distributes output via a custom controller to 13 d&b MAX12
loudspeakers and seven power amps, two d&b subwoofer, a single Meyer 650P
subwoofer and a total of 44 small under floor speakers installed specifically for
sound effects.
The TiMax was supplied by exclusive Japanese distributors, S.C. Alliance Inc. to