Novastar introduces its new controller range, the NovaPro HD. The inputs of the new system include CVBS, VGA, SDI, DVI, HDMI and DP., supporting input resolution up to 1080p@60Hz. Highest pixel clock is 165MHz. Output bandwidth is up to 4GB. Advanced de-interlacing motion adaptive processing technology is adopted so that images are clear and fine. And with HDMI, the gray scale depth can be up to 12bits.

Each input can be fully configured with contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, and RGB gain. Inputs can be scaled up or down to fit the LED display resolution.

Computer software for system configuration is not necessary. The system can be configured using one wheel and one button. All can be done just by fingers, a system dubbed Touch Track. The system can also be configured with browsers. This offers the option of using a remote PC (Windows or Mac or Linux), a pad or even a smart phone to do the configuration. Real-time previews assist with system set-up and confirm source status.

The NovaPro HD has DMX512 and GenLock interface. Professional control and synchronization are ready to go. Optical fiber outputs enable reliable long-distance data transmission.

The NovaPro HD is the flagship product of the company’s new generation controllers, powerful in processing, professional in control, and friendly in user-interface. Having a display to work has never been as easier and more enjoyable as with NovaPro HD.
